Access free from the website. Also available from CIS. The traffic signs manual gives guidance on the use of traffic signs and road markings prescribed […]
Access free from the Paths for All website. In 1979 the Countryside Commission for Scotland (CCS) published Footbridges in the Countryside. It has remained the definitive […]
Access free from the UKRLG website. Also available from CIS. The UK’s roads are amongst the safest in Europe, nonetheless the number of accidents involving vehicles […]
Access free from the Net Zero Bridges Group website. This note sets out the accepted approach for carrying out carbon calculations for bridges by the Net […]
Access free from the DfT website. Also available from CIS. This local transport note (LTN) provides guidance to local authorities on delivering high quality, cycle infrastructure […]
Purchase from the IStructE website. Also available from CIS. In Part 1 we examine the origins of some of our design practices and sources of carbon […]
Also available from CIS. This document is the precursor to BS 8779:2022 Assessment, maintenance and repair of masonry highway parapets for bridges and other structures. From […]
Purchase from the BSI website. Also available from CIS. For a list of the relevant documents associated with Eurocodes refer to the Technical Approval Schedule (TAS) […]