Purchase from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS.
The purpose of this document is to assist designers by providing good practice guidance aimed specifically at designing for safe maintenance and repair. The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 require designers to give careful consideration to risks to workers and others throughout the life of a structure.
This guidance is targeted primarily at building designers but will be of interest to clients, CDM co-ordinators and facilities managers. It is noted that design input occurs at any point in the supply chain and the definition of designer encompasses anyone involved in design decision making, irrespective of their role.
An overview of the commercial and regulatory backdrop, statutory obligations and alternative procurement processes is presented, followed by targeted design guidance for a variety of building elements and work situations. References are also given for further reading. Rigorous attention to access issues will not only reduce accidents and ill health, but will promote efficient and cost-effective processes.