Available from NR Portal, CIS.
This standard sets out the requirements for the management of risk from Road Vehicle Incursions (RVI) to the Operational Railway. It applies to the following types of sites:
? Public Road over Rail bridges (Overline Bridges and Tunnel Portals, Shafts
and Adits)
? Neighbouring (Parallel) sites where public roads and railway run alongside
each other
? Non-Public Road over Rail bridges (Accommodation and Occupation Overline
Bridges and Tunnel Portals, Shafts and Adits)
? Neighbouring (Parallel) sites where non-public roads and railway run
alongside each other ? includes sites where adjacent works are underway
? Locations where vehicles regularly park that are adjacent to the railway on
public, non-public and railway owned land ? e.g. station, office or depot car
parks, access points, private car parks, delivery depot car parks, retail
park/supermarket car parks