The meeting (which was little more than an informal discussion) took place immediately after the final session of the Inaugural Bridge Researchers' and Owners' Forum.
No minutes were taken, but topics discussed were:
- EPSRC: Campbell Middleton, Graham Cole and DfT Representative should approach the EPSRC informally and try and discuss ways in which the Bridge Owners' could better advise the EPSRC on the types of project owners' would like to see funded...
- Listening to Bridge Researchers had been useful, and has already brought to light a couple of cases of duplication. Perhaps at a future joint forum it would be useful for the Researchers to listen to the Owners giving presentations about the sort of problems they actually have with their bridges...
- Brian Bell pointed out that the most common type of bridge was the masonry arch, but that most funding is on concrete bridges...
- Date of next meeting: end of January?